Christ Church of Bradenton
4030 Manatee Avenue West
Bradenton, Florida 34205

tel: 941.747.3709

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The Eucharistic Visitors Ministry started in the Episcopal Church in 1985 for the purpose of bringing Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend church services.  In smaller parishes the clergy are able to make personal visits, but as the parish grows in size, it becomes necessary to augment the clergy to ensure our parishioners can receive Holy Communion.

On a monthly average, Christ Church has 20 Eucharistic Visitors Ministers making 35 visits offering the Sacrament to 75 parishioners.  This is an important pastoral ministry that is necessarily being met by Eucharistic Visitors Ministers every day.  They act under the direction of clergy as an extension of their ministry.  If you are in need of the ministry from an Eucharistic Visitors Minister, please contact the church offices at 747-3709.

This is a deeply rewarding ministry which requires caring, compassion, and training. Eucharistic Visitors Ministers visit parishioners who are homebound, in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or in the hospital. Those who are being visited are always grateful for the gifts of the Body and Blood of Christ, as well as the gift of fellowship and prayer that our Ministers bring with them to share.  Please visit with the clergy if you feel called to this important ministry.

Newcomers Ministry

The primary goal of the Newcomers Ministry is to welcome and greet people new to the church and offer whatever help they can. Visitor Information cards are provided in the gift bags provided during the worship service. The card can be filled in and placed in the offering plate. Periodic gatherings are planned to enable our new parishioners a time to mingle with the clergy and vestry members in an informal setting.  This is the perfect opportunity for questions and answers. 

Prayer List

If you know of a prayer need, please contact the church offices (747-3709) immediately and we will add the prayer intention to our daily intercession list. Likewise, if you or your loved one has gotten well, or come home safely please let us know so that we can keep the prayer list as current as possible.

The Prayer List is available each Sunday in the Narthex. Please pick one up and pray for your parish family during the week.

Hospital Visitation

Please advise the church offices immediately (747-3709) when you, or a loved one, is admitted to the hospital. Our clergy make it a priority to visit, anoint, and pray with all members when they are admitted to the local hospitals… but we only know when you are in the hospital if you tell us.

Christ Church of Bradenton  |  4030 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton, Florida 34205  |  tel: 941.747.3709  |  email: